Pizza Dough

From Zehava Bloomburg

4 ½ cups Unbleached All-purpose Flour (2 cups whole wheat, 2 ½ cups white)
1 ½ cups warm Water, heated up on the stove (not warm from tap)
1 tspn Salt
Splash of Vegetable Oil
1 ½ tspn Yeast
1 jar Tomato sauce
1 bag Shredded cheese
(Optional) Vegetables or other toppings

1. Dump the flour into a mixing bowl and make a well in the middle.
2. Pour in the warm water.
3. Add the yeast to the water and wait a couple minutes until you see it bubbling.
4. Add the salt and oil and mix in the mixer or by hand until dough is formed.
5. Let it rise for about an hour covered lightly with plastic wrap. Punch it down.
6. Roll the dough out into Pizza crusts.
7. Spread a little oil on the middle of the crust until about an inch from the edge.
8. Spread the tomato sauce on top, sprinkle on oregano, shredded cheese and add.
9. Bake at 425° for about 20 minutes.

Site by Max Rabin.