Honey Shortbread

Sharon Buchman

7 ½ oz (1 ⅔ cup) unbleached all purpose flour
⅓ cup granulated sugar (normal sugar)
¾ cup cold unsalted butter or pareve margarine
3 Tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon kosher salt

Spray a 9 ½ inch tart pan with removable bottom with cooking spray
Briefly pulse the flour and sugar. Add the butter and pulse until incorporated and the mixture is sandy and uniform. Press the dough evenly into the pan with your fingers. There will be some loose crumbs around the edges, but most of the dough should be solid and compact. Refrigerate until chilled (about 30 mins)

Position a rack in center of oven at 350 Deg F. Using the tines of a fork , dock the dough evenly all over. Bake till golden 40 - 45 minutes

Heat the honey in the micro till warm and liquid not boiling - about 10 seconds. Pour the honey over the shortbread and spread with a pastry brush over the entire surface. Sprinkle the salt evenly over the honey. Return the pan to the oven and bake for another 3 minutes.

Transfer pan to cooling rack and allow to cool for 15 minutes. While still warm remove the tart pan ring and cut the shortbread into 12 wedges with a sharp knife

Let cool completely before serving and storing. Will keep in an airtight container at room temp for a week

Site by Max Rabin.